Flexible Terms Available: Incl. 100% contingent fees on deals*

Advanced Financial Modelling + VBA & M Programming

October 7, 2020

An advanced level training package covering a greater depth of financial modelling techniques and methodologies (including VBA and power query). For finance professionals seeking to optimise and expand their existing financial modelling skillset and knowledge.

Duration: 1.0 day(s)

Cost: £1,125 Exc. VAT

Location: Victoria (Central London)

Course type: Financial Modelling

Course level: Advanced

Prerequisits: Introduction to Financial Modelling

Course Overview

This course offers a significant expansion from the introduction to financial modelling course to provide participants with new skillsets to compliment and extend their existing financial modelling base. By completing this course, partipants will learn how to automate and streamline large data flows into financial models using Power Query / M coding language, use VBA to automate tasks and solve special modelling problems. This course is intended for professionals with existing excel skills and financial modelling knowledge but is suitable for both accountants and non-accountants. To attend this course it is essential that all participants have completed the pre-requisit 'Introduction to Financial Modelling' course in advance.

Partipants of this course will build a full debt and equity funded project finance model with integrated financial statements and a complete dashboard analysiing various investor and bank KPIs with the support of the trainer. The financial model will include taxes, working capital analysis and advanced debt modelling techniques.

Course Content

This course will provide a coverage of advanced financial modelling skills and techniques and wiill train participants through building a fully operational project finance model with advanced debt calculations and complimentary data analysis and visualisation skills. The course will cover the following:

  • Data feeds (power query and M language)
  • Fixed assets and depreciation
  • Advanced debt modelling
  • VBA code for automation & advanced modelling problems
  • Advanced project finance P&L, Cash Flow and Balance Sheet
  • Excel KPI dashboard
  • Power BI dashboard building

* For questions about this course, delivery at your offices or to discuss bulk discounts please contact enquiries@tunneys.co.uk

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