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Introduction to Financial Modelling in Excel (Comprehensive)

October 7, 2020

A comprehensive introduction to financial modelling for finance professionals seeking to understand how to use, build, audit and update financial models. This course covers all of the necessary excel techniques and financial modelling best practices to ensure that participants are able to understand how models should be constructed such that they can be robust, flexible and reliable for businesses and investments.

Duration: 1.0 day(s)

Cost: £720 Exc. VAT

Location: Victoria (Central London)

Course type: Financial Modelling

Course level: Beginner to Intermediate

Prerequisits: N/A

Course Overview

This course offers a comprehensive introduction to financial modelling to ensure that participants are given a complete base in financial modelling with respect to financial modelling best practices and techniques. By completing this course, partipants will gain a solid base in financial modelling and be able to understand how to create financial models and the practices to follow to ensure that they are professional, robust and flexible.

This course is intended for professionals at all levels of proficiency in excel, no prior professional training in financial modelling and is suitable for both accountants and non-accountants. It can be advantagous to have completed the 'Business Analysis in MS Excel courses in advance however these are not a pre-requisit of this course.

Partipants of this course will build a full financial model with integrated financial statements and discounted cash flow valuation analysis with the support of the trainer and will test sensitivities and scenarios with changing assumptions. The financial model will include taxes, working capital analysis and techniques for creating dynamic dates, timings and forecasts will also be covered.

Course Content

This course will provide a full coverage of the excel skills, accounting principals and financial modelling techniques required to gain a solid base in building and understanding financial models. The course will cover the following:

  • Financial Model Structure and planning a financial model build
  • Financial Model Review / Audit principles
  • Financial Model dates functions and timelines
  • Forecasting techniques and updating actuals
  • Modelling corporate tax and VAT
  • Modelling basic senior debt and interest
  • completing the P&L, Cash Flow and Balance Sheet
  • balancing the balance sheet
  • valuation techniques (inc. discount cashflow)
  • Sensitivity analysis
  • Scenario analysis

* For questions about this course, delivery at your offices or to discuss bulk discounts please contact enquiries@tunneys.co.uk

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