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Supporting the CFO of a PE backed Tech / Media Co to transition to a SaaS Business Model


Supporting the CFO of a PE backed Tech / Media Co to transition to a SaaS Business Model

June 14, 2024

Technological trends are seeing many established businesses making fundamental changes to their business model to transition into a SaaS model in recognition of the potential profitability and cash flow advantages. Such a transition however needs to be understood and planned for carefully through robust and clear finanical modelling.

The Credential

Tunneys worked with the group CFO of a highly successful Tech / Media business to support them in working with a leading private equity firm to make fundamental changes and transition successfully towards a SaaS business model.

How We Helped

Prior to engaging with Tunneys, MediaCo* sought a simple and clean way to understand the planned transition of the company to a SaaS business model ahead of reporting to the board of PE Investors, however previous financial modelling and data unification efforts had yielded outputs that were overly complex and not fit for purpose. The CFO required a clear model to present to the board of investors (a leading UK headquartered private equity firm) in order to move forward.

Tunneys worked closely with the CFO, finance and data management teams and a range of external consultants to determine the exact requirements for the financial modelling and the overarching presentation to the board in line with the vision of the CEO.

The unique details of the business and their available datasets were carefully considered and a clear project plan was set for modelling their transition, budget and 5 year forecast reflecting the needs of the CEO and CFO. We worked with MediaCo's data managers and FP&A teams to design a bespoke operational model that could be easily managed and updated with new information going forward.

Value Delivered

Replacing old financial modelling and FP&A spreadsheets with a single fit for purpose solution;

Establishing data integrity, clarifying and consolidated business data from various disconnected sources and global subsidiaries as the company transitioned between accounting systems and consolidated data across the group; &

Enabling the senior finance team and private equity investors to forecast and test sensitivities for the business pivoting to a SaaS business plan and filtering through the global portfolio of group companies

* all client names have been kept confidential.

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