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Fractional CFO Services

Fractional CFO Services

Fractional CFO services provide a suite of data analysis and insights, FP&A, financial modelling and cashflow forecasting to help businesses drive profitability and cash generation. This also helps busineses to be more prepared for opportunities in M&A, re-financing and funding rounds in order to acheive better outcomes.

Benefits & Coverage

Fractional CFO services coverage provides extensive experience of financial planning & analysis (FP&A), cashflow forecasting, budgeting and data driven strategic decision making. This provides companies with strategic leadership and insights into their business without the high costs of hiring a full time executive. Using a fractional CFO service instead allows for easy to budget and flexible monthly costs that can be reduced or increased in line with business needs.

Data and financial model driven strategic leadership can provide businesses and their largest projects with significant improvements in results. Careful data analysis and forecast modelling is required to estimate the impact of competing strategic initiatives, help business leaders to determine and decide the best course of action quickly in response to evolving opportunities or threats and also to prioritise and measure the use of organisational resources towards competing uses.

Data Analysis, FP&A and Financial Modelling

Our fractional CFO services come with a full suite of supporting assets including financial models, data analytics and insights dashboards, automated monthly or weekly FP&A reports and strategic advice for operational value creation through the optimal allocation of organisational resources. This service matures businesses with ongoing forecast views of cash flow, net value and profitability at a powerful level of detail and allows them to understand which parts of the business generate cash and profit the most and least.

Readiness for M&A, Funding Rounds and Re-Financing

Businesses require strong financial information in order to successfully execute special projects such as M&A, funding rounds and re-financing with debt. These projects are highly time critical and having the necessary information and insights early can result in significantly improved outcomes for business stakeholders. It is therefore beneficial to start to invest small amounts early in the preparation of financial insights and more cost efficient and effective than emergency preparation within the special project phase.

How we help

Financial Modelling

Preparation of and presentation from professional bespoke financial modelling for the business

Data Analytics & Insights

Unification of disparate business data to provide insights and strategic management dashboards

Cash flow forecasting

Scenario sensitive cashflow forecasting to maintain strong control of business finances

FP&A monthly reports

Bespoke FP&A reports monitoring KPIs and highlighting key analysis and insights of live business data feeds

Strategic leadership

Providing data driven strategic advice to allow the business to drive fast and sustainable growth in profitability and cash generation

M&A and Financing

Preparation of the financial insights required to successfully execute M&A, re-financing and investment rounds and acheive better outcomes

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