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Financial Modelling

Build a financial model

Financial Models are typically complex and can present businesses with difficulty in use, interpretation and long-term management as model requirements often change and evolve over time. The correct application of financial modelling best practices can considerably reduce complexity, risk of critical errors and greatly improve the effectiveness of how models are used within businesses as decision making tools. Tunneys financial modelling services provide business users with fit-for-purpose models and greater confidence in their outputs.

Financial Modelling

All business leaders should have a robust professionally built financial model to help them manage and make critical decisions for their business and projects. Tunneys team can be used to build financial models efficiently and professionally for finance and leadership teams so that so that critical decisions can be made with confidence and without undue disruption to business as usual or budget wastage.

Our models are designed in complete alignment to industry best practice so as to provide optimal transparency and clarity over data, assumptions, calculations and key results. This allows our clients to comfortably adopt and manage the model and any monthly reports easily. Our models are also simple to update and change over time to re-align with current data, assumptions and roll forwards forecasts indefinately into the future.

We tailor models entirely to the client needs and as such can provide outputs and reports that match exactly any designs or existing reports that the business would like to see on a routine basis (quarterly, monthly, weekly) and our team have a wealth of experience delivering financial models across many industries and situations and for many purposes (refinancing, cashflow forecasting, FP&A, M&A, strategic planning, management reporting, cost planning, etc). We can therefore help businesses to get access to funding, negotiate and execute a deal, increase the value of their business, understand and plan for potential scenarios and make business criticial decisions.

Project Management, Budget and Timings

We can match delivery timings and costs for any model build to fit exact requirements and deliver exactly what is needed, when it is needed without complication. We understand all of the common mistakes and pitfalls made by businesses attempting to build financial models in-house and can therefore take advantage of this deep expertise and understanding to manage our projects with complete efficiency. We build a detailed project plan with you and share live documents with you as we develop your model so that you can stay updated and easily manage requirements, progress, delivery timings and budget.

Accuracy and Reliability

Spreadsheet errors are extremely common and can be extremely costly to businesses. Our model build and review processes are designed and refined over time to optimise the level of this risk to the minimum. Our methodologies combine the oldest best-practices and techniques with the most up to date techniques in order to deliver models that are simple, clear, easy to use, manage and update. With every one of our models we have an in-built network of formula checks that accurately flag the nature and location of errors that could potentially arise as the business uses and updates the model over time. We also supplement our financial models with documentation for in-house teams, professional training and we can also deploy members of our team to swiftly resolve any special issues on request at short notice.

Management of your models

It can often be more time and cost efficient to retain us to manage your financial model and allow us to make updates to data, scenarios, structure, business logic and keeping constantly aligned with the best and most cutting edge techniques. This can ensure the financial model remains in an optimal state or can provide access to an industry leading FP&A team on demand for the routine provision of key reports allowing in-house CFOs and CEOs more time for analysis and informed decision making.

How we help

Bespoke Model Build

Professional best practice financial modelling built bespoke to your exact requirements and specifications by expert financial modellers and chartered accountants.

Scenarios & Sensitivities

All scenarios and variable assumptions built into the model for optimal flexibility and ease of managing and udpating over time.

Transparency & Usability

Our model build processes benefit from over a decade of experience based refinement. All models are efficient, fast, clear, robust, flexible and easy to manage.

CFO user focused

Model useability and outputs are designed appropriately, benefiting from our years of experience working with CFOs across many industries and situations

Seamlessly linked to live data

Model update processes are fast, automatic and minimise risk of human error by linking models to live data across multiple sources in the business. Data updates only require one click.

Expert handover / management

Models are built with handover in mind. They are kept simple and clean to allow for easy management and updating as the business and situations evolve.

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